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Inzicht – Nummer 3 2023

Language: NL

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About the project

It cannot have escaped your attention: fossil subsidies have been the topic of discussion for some time now. Various parties are falling over each other to obtain the correct amounts and to draw attention to their intended or unintended effects. The discussion focuses mainly on the question of what exactly we mean by fossil subsidies. But as far as we are concerned, it should also become clearer what they are intended for.

The NGOs note that fossil subsidies promote the use of fossil fuels. To reduce CO2 emissions, we want to discourage this use. VEMW also believes it's important to reduce these emissions and is therefore happy to discuss the best and fastest ways this can be achieved. There are already several effective incentives that encourage the industry to become more sustainable. Consider, for example, the CO2 emissions trading system. An approach that works, because there is no longer an industry that is not working on reducing CO2 emissions.






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